The device is based on a standard table projection welder model 2132 manufactured by TECNA with a rated power of 63 kVA (P = 50%) and electrode clamping force of 736 daN (at 6 bar). The welding machine is equipped with a specially designed socket for perpendicular welding of the pipe or threaded rod to the foot. During welding, the details are positioned using pneumatic clamps and a special electrode to hold the foot. The socket can be quickly changed depending on the part to be welded.
The welder 2132 is equipped with actuators with chrome cylinder walls and pneumatic elements that do not require lubrication. The transformer, electrode holders, electrodes and thyristor system are water-cooled and thermostatically protected. The welding machine is equipped with a Siemens PLC master controller and a modern TE550 welding parameter controller that enables precise programming of up to 250 welding technologies with the use of 26 parameters, which allows for full control of the welding process in order to obtain the highest quality welds.